

This is the smallest possible track with Carrera Evolution. I've seen these advertised on the Internet for 30euro, including everything but cars.

Here's the setup that I got out of the box, entitled "LeMans Race". I usually have a drumkit sitting in that corner. Later, to get it up off the ground, I'll add two desks, that bedframe in the background, and some layers of cardboard boxes.

It's one of the better layouts, as it is challenging, evenly matched, and allows for a good amount of drifting. It would be great with wider-radius turns and a load more straights. I'm not a fan of overpasses, though. I'm trying to get around that.

I got an extension set [26955 - 2 straights, 4 short R1 curves]. It allowed me a little more flexibility in design, most notably the ability to make 90ยบ turns. That requires more space than I have, though.

Time to get it off the ground. Here's the thing: we're moving soon, and I can't be spending money on wood for this house. I'm going to wait until we're in our proper house and then start making the slot car monster. Until then, I have to improvise with what I have. The base consists of a desk at both ends, with the bedframe acting as a sort of.....frame....then a few layers of folded cardboard boxes, all topped with a leftover rug. It can be broken down in about 20 minutes when I need to set up my drumkit. I've got my eye on the attic in our new house.

Getting off the ground saved my back. Bottom line. Best reason to do it.

I'm able to use varying amounts of cardboard to provide elevation. I've been focusing on building tracks that have some form of variation. I'm also hoping to add some of the larger radius curve pieces. That'll give me a lot of flexibility in track design.

One of my favorite designs. It has good technical and still is fast. Both lanes are kept busy, so it's a challenge with either one. The idea could easily be expanded upon with more track.

Here are some other tracks I've been able to make with the existing pieces I have:

Some of these designs proved that it's very difficult to make worthwhile tracks with a small amount of pieces. Some of the tracks lasted as long as it took to do a lap, hate it, and take a pic of it. Way it goes, I guess.

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